Sunday, July 26, 2009

Food Technologist Seow CC

(Photo credited to from

Seow Chee Choon

Seow Chee Choon or CC Seow, is a consulting food technologist, with over 36 years experience in academic and industry. He obtained his Ph.D in Food Science from University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

He is Associate Professor and Chairman of the Food Technology Division of the School of Industrial Technology,USM,Penang.

He is also Executive Director of C.K.C. Food Industries Sdn Bhd. He has also consultant for government advisory /Expert Panels.

He has edited or co-edited four books including Food Preservation by Moisture Control, Elsevier Applied Science, London(1988). He has also published and /or presented more than 100 papers on various aspects of food science and technology.

His research interest include water relationsof food, food structure- property relationships(glass transitions, plastocization-antiplasticization phenomena, food processing & preservation, food product & process innovation, food shelf-life testing & extension; design & layout of food plants or processing lines, food laboratory design; and food quality,hygiene & safety issues.


B.Agr.Sc. (Hons (Malaya)),

Ph.D. (Strathclyde), FMIFT

Is CC Seow a Teochew Seow from Choayang?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Siow Lee Chin

Siow Lee Chin, is a renowned Singaporean violinist. She is an assistant professor and the Director of Strings at the College of Charleston. Siow is the Gold Medal winner of the 1994 Henryk Szeryng International Violin Competition and First Prize winner of the 1994 Louise D. McMahon International Music Competition for Strings.In 1996, Siow won the Singapore National Arts Council's Young Artist Award.

She is the proud daughter of Mr Siow Hee Shun, she wrote about her Dad during the Father's Day, which was appeared in Pg 16,of the World edition 20-23 2009. You may read it from her web site.

We are proud of you, the daughter of Singapore Xiao family. Where is the ancestor home? A Kwangdong Hakka Xiao?

Siow Lee Chin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Siow Lee Chin, a renowned Singaporean violinist, is a Professor of Violin and the Director of Strings at the College of Charleston, South Carolina. Lee Chin released her debut CD Songs My Father Taught Me in 2009.

* 1 Biography
* 2 Review highlights
* 3 Awards and career highlights
* 4 External links

[edit] Biography

Praised by The Cleveland Plain Dealer, “Here was a lark that ascended with utmost grace and sang in the loveliest of voices” and critically-acclaimed in The London Times, “Lee Chin...teased out the glitter of Sarasate's Carmen Fantasy with aplomb,” Lee Chin has performed to critical acclaim throughout the world, from Carnegie Hall to the Osaka Symphony Hall, Japan. Since winning the Gold Medal at the 1994 Henryk Szeryng International Violin Competition and the 1994 Louise D. McMahon International Music Competition for Strings, Lee Chin has performed in over 20 countries on five continents.

With appearances in the music capitals of Europe, Australasia and the Americas, Lee Chin has enjoyed successful artistic collaborations with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Lan Shui, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Daniele Gatti, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and Kees Bakels, Dallas Symphony and the late Eduardo Mata, Houston Symphony and Andreas Delfs. In 2006, Lee Chin premiered renowned American composer Samuel Barber’s Violin Concerto with the national symphony orchestras of the Ukraine in Kiev and Lviv. Recent and upcoming engagements include the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra, the Syracuse Symphony, the Charleston Symphony, the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra, United Philharmonic Orchestra of Vienna, the Avignon Symphony Orchestra, the Auckland Symphony, and the national symphony orchestras of Chile, Mexico and Portugal. Active in charitable work, Lee Chin has performed in a gala concert, which included Montserrat Caballé, Andrea Bocelli and Sir Simon Rattle, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Lee Chin has been a guest at some of the world’s most prestigious concert venues including Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center, Vienna KonzertHaus, Moscow’s Tchaikovsky Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Canada, Hong Kong City Hall, the Royal Albert Hall in London and Singapore’s Esplanade Concert Hall. Solo appearances at international music festivals include the Banff Music Festival, Lucerne International Music Festival, Ludwigsburger International Music Festival (Germany), Cervantino Festival (Mexico), International Contemporary Music Festival “Contrasts” (Ukraine), VIRTUOSI Festival, Recife (Brazil), and the Singapore Arts Festival. Her live performances have been broadcast on the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS Sunday Morning), National Public Radio, Singapore Broadcasting Corporation and on the Voice of America.

A proud Singaporean, Lee Chin has retained close ties with home while successfully establishing an illustrious international career as a concert violinist and educator. In 1994, she was conferred the Singapore Youth Award for Excellence in the Arts by the Prime Minister of Singapore, and was honored with the National Arts Council’s Young Artist Award in 1996. Most recently, in the fall of 2008, she was on sabbatical as a visiting artist at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore.

Passionate and committed to teaching, Lee Chin has served on the faculty of the Oberlin Conservatory, given masterclasses and outreach programs all over the world including the National University of Singapore, the Lisbon Academy of Music, the Chicago Institute of Music, the University of Maryland, Ohio University and Spoleto Study Abroad (Italy), among many others. Currently, Lee Chin is the Director of Strings and Professor of Violin at the College of Charleston, South Carolina and co-founder and artistic co-director of the Charleston Music Fest. Her private students have won the South Carolina Music Teachers State competitions and soloed with the Charleston Symphony.

Lee Chin began her violin studies under her father, Siow Hee Shun. An alumni of the Curtis Institute of Music, the Mannes College of Music, and the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, her teachers included Roland and Almita Vamos, Felix Galimir, Jascha Brodsky and Aaron Rosand.

[edit] Review highlights

* "Here was a lark that ascended with utmost grace and sang in the loveliest of voices." - The Cleveland Plain Dealer
* "Lee Chin...teased out the glitter of Sarasate's Carmen Fantasy with aplomb." - The London Times
* "Siow has both fire and ice in her temperament, and she knows with unerring instinct when to apply them." - Bob Levin, American music critic
* "She is a performer! When in front of an audience, Lee Chin's dedication and love for the music becomes obvious and electrifies the audience." - Felix Galimir
* "ELECTRIFYING" - The Straits Times
* "soloist Lee Chin is an astonishing violin virtuoso" - The Post & Courier

[edit] Awards and career highlights

* Premiered Samuel Barber's Violin Concerto in the Ukraine, 2006
* Co-founded Charleston Music Fest, 2006
* Soloist with Singapore Symphony Orchestra's debut tour of Japan, 2003
* Singled out by the Prime Minister of Singapore as one of the most inspiring Singaporeans, 1999
* Royal Albert Hall debut with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London, 1997
* Young Artist Award presented by the Singapore National Arts Council, 1996
* Second Prize, Ima Hogg Houston Symphony Competition, Texas, USA, 1995
* Gold Medal, Henryk Szeryng International Competition, Mexico, 1994
* Gold Medal, Louise D. McMahon International Music Competition, Oklahoma, USA, 1994
* Singapore Youth Award for Excellence in the Arts, 1994
* Young Artist Winner, Young Artist International Competition, New York, USA, 1992
* Most Outstanding Graduating Student, Mannes College of Music, New York, USA, 1992

[edit] External links

* Lee Chin - Official homepage,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gaetan Siew(加埃唐.修)

Gaetan Siew , was elected President of the International Union of Architect during the UIA General Assembly which took place in Istanbul (Turkey), from 8 to 10 July 2005.

Mauritian architect Gaétan Siew, is the President of the International Union of Architect (UIA). Born in Mauritius in 1954, Gaétan Siew graduated from the Marseille School of Architecture in 1979. He is in private practice in Port Louis since 1981. His projects and realisations include tourist and commercial facilities, urban planning and redevelopment programmes in Mauritius, the Indian Ocean, France and India. Striking examples are his master plans for the international airport in Mauritius, for the Chinese neighbourhood in Port Louis and the terminal of the Seychelles international airport. Elected President of the Association of Mauritian Architects in 1985, he played an active part in the island's urban development and environment and heritage protection programmes. He is a member of the Economic and Social Council of Mauritius and member of the Government of Mauritius's Technical Committee on Engineering and Architectural Services at the WTO. On the international scene, he was member of the UIA Council from 1993 to 2002, and was elected first Vice-President of the Union, during the General Assembly in Berlin, in 2002. From 1998 to 2005 he was Secretary General of the African Union of Architects (AUA). Gaétan Siew has served as juror for several international architecture competitions. He has been a frequent speaker at international conferences worldwide.


he International Union of Architects(UIA) was founded in Lausanne (Switzerland) on 28th June 1948, to unite the architects of the world without regard to nationality, race, religion, or architectural doctrine, and to federate their national organisations.

From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organisations of architects in 124 countries and territories, and now represents, through these organisations, more than 1,300,000 architects worldwide.

Over time, the UIA has become an accomplished non-governmental organisation, an incomparable professional network of architects that reaches all continents.

(Source: photo and articles from UIA official website,

He is the Xiao family from Mauritius(毛里求斯), which is an island nation, off the coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean, about 900 km from Madagascar. It is rare to hear news of Xiao family from the country. Wonder which part of China, did his ancestor come from, and how to write his name in Chinese? But from the name Gaetan Siew, he seems to be a Chinese, with the surname of Siew( Xiao). If he is a sino-mauritians or Mauritian Chinese, which form about 3% of the local population, his ancestor most probably is Hakka Xiao from Meixian, Kwangdong Province, China.

Extract from 在毛里求斯领略浓郁的客家风情


  毛里求斯首都路易港(Port Louis)有一条全是华人开的 商店与餐馆的街道,这就是著名的唐人街,又称为“非洲最大的华埠”。不少客家人住在这里。漫步唐人街,可以听到纯正的客家话,吃到地道的客家菜,客家话通 行无阻。假如你是客家人,用家乡话同华人聊天,他们一定会分外热情地接待你。异乡听乡音,使人感到格外亲切,仿佛置身于梅州的客家社会。

梅 县人于19世纪中叶开始大批移居毛里求斯,他们虽远离祖籍国,但重视亲情乡情,1874年在路易港西区参与创建了关帝庙神场,后改名为仁和旅馆、仁和公 司,1904年10月以仁和会馆名义正式向政府注册,此名沿用至今,它是毛国历史悠久的华人社团之一。会馆内挂有一些反映客家文化特点的对联,如“仁厚本 梅风,中外同凤占风起;和风敷异域,奂轮继美庆新居”;“仁义达乎华夷,以和为贵;嘉谋扬于中外,相应同声”,等等。1999年该会成立125周年之际, 毛国总统卡萨姆亲自为该会题词指出:“……我很了解仁和会馆的主要宗旨,即为了弘扬中华文化,开办中文报刊、中文学校,团结华人华裔,敬老助贫和促进毛中 友谊等等。”充分肯定了客家人对毛国所作的卓越贡献。仁和会馆还在关帝庙旁兴建了一座华人纪念碑,1992年4月揭幕时,总统亲临剪彩。1963年成立的 客属会馆也是客家人团体。著名的华侨领袖、梅县人邓军凯曾当选中国人大代表,曾任该国政府部长和多届路易港市长的陈国华、原华侨商会会长朱梅粦以及著名肿 瘤专家吴桓兴等都是祖籍梅县的客家人。

  新华学校(1912年创办)、《中华日报》(1932年由《华民时报》改组而成)、《华侨 时报》(1953年由《华侨商报》与《中国时报》合并而成)和《镜报》(1975年创办)等也是客家人开办的。这两间报馆设备比较简陋,当时还用铅字排版,条件艰苦。但是他们靠着执著的弘扬中华文化的精神坚持办 报,令人肃然起敬。

Friday, July 3, 2009

Soloist Yitkin Seow

Tippett's Piano Concerto, 1st movement part one. The Leicestershire Schools Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Fletcher. Soloist Yitkin Seow. Live concert from Clifton Cathedral, Bristol, July 1982.

I do no know,where this Xiao family come from, by using Seow, he must be from Singapore(or Malaysia)?

Seow Ting Foong

Seow Ting Foong 2006 Commonwealth Games Ribbon Team Final


2008-11-20 20:36:21 

由海内外众多萧氏宗亲共同出资新建的“梁皇宝殿”,18日在南齐皇帝梁武帝萧衍故里的常州市孟河镇正式奠基。这一耗资近3000万、按萧氏皇家风格“ 量身打造”的“帝王宝殿”的破土动工,意味着世界萧氏家族将首次大范围、大规模地在齐梁两朝发源地掀开“修复齐梁文化遗迹”的宏伟篇章。记者昨天获悉,整 个修复建设工程将由现今分布在世界各地的萧氏后人共同筹资20亿,耗时3年左右建成。

常州孟河镇的万绥村是萧齐、萧梁两个朝代的发源地,这里先后走出了以萧道成(齐高帝427-482年)和萧衍(梁武帝464-549)为首的十五位皇帝 及37位宰相。孟河镇宣传委员林德芳告诉记者,齐梁朝时这里还走出了如齐梁朝昭明太子萧统(501-531年)等许多历史上的杰出人物,萧氏后人为了怀念 祖先的辉煌历史,称之“齐梁故里”。他告诉记者,齐梁故里始建于1600年前,曾有萧衍祖宅万岁里、东城天子路、智宝寺以及与皇家相关的“花园里”、“凤 凰桥”、齐梁十八景等众多遗迹,历经600年毁于公元十世纪末。近几年,一些遍布于世界各地的萧氏家族成员,一直有着寻根祭祖、建设家乡故里的愿望。本 月,来自美国、马来西亚、新加坡、印尼,以及我国11个省和台湾、香港等地区的萧氏宗亲,组成近100人的考察团来到常州,在齐梁故里撒下了“思念”的种 子,这其中许多都是知名企业家和萧氏宗亲联谊会负责人。据介绍,为了修复齐梁文化遗迹,萧氏宗亲已经确定将修复齐梁故里的规划分为两片,一片是以东岳庙为 中心的故里片,一片是以九龙禅寺为中心的小黄山片,意在打造齐梁文化旅游景区。同时修复萧氏祖宅和恢复皇家遗迹等。几大主要工程为萧氏总祠、东岳庙老三 殿、梁皇宝殿、齐梁广场、萧统文化园。整个工程将由现今分布在世界各地的萧氏后人共同筹资20亿,预计耗时3年左右建成。昨天,有关代表已经飞赴香港,参 与协商集资20亿建立香港齐梁文化控股有限公司一事。

据了解,即将开工的“梁皇宝殿”四个大字将由台湾地区领导人萧万长所题,建设将延用皇家 风格的色彩,宝殿内外装饰将耗费20公斤左右的黄金。从效果图上看,金色屋面、20根龙柱、白色基底,彰显皇家宝殿的气魄雄伟。住持廓郎告诉记者,正方形 的塔身酷似帝王的玉玺,充分体现了皇家风度和佛寺气宇。而在宝殿内,将竖立一尊高达18.8米、价值1200万的萧衍铜像。

值得一提的是,这里在3年后还将建成“萧氏国际家园区”,这个名副其实的“国际村”,主要是由世界各国的萧家后人代表,每人都在这里建300-500米的各国风情街 。(周瑜 李婷 肖蔚)


Home cover by Kevin Siow

I found this in youtube; not bad

keep it up, Kelvin Siow....Xiao from Singapore.